Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Democrats VS. Republicans on environmental issues
Democrats: Obama and his administration is focused on establishing green jobs, conserving public lands, and reducing carbon emissions in order to take control of the climate change and better the Environment. Obama is currently the leader in tackling climate change due to numerous reasons. He has created over 3.1 million green jobs as of May of 2012 and increased fuel economy standards for automobiles. This allows for lower costs at the gas station and higher priced vehicles. Obama has invested large amounts of money in green energy sources such as wind power and electric transportation which will greatly benefit both the economy and environment. However, the democrats have also ignored plans to make health standards for smog stricter and failed to end subsidies to oil industries.
Republicans: Romney and his administration have taken a less environmentally friendly position. Beneficially, Romney promotes agricultural jobs as a way to lower pollution. However, he and his administration also focus on exploiting fossil fuels in fragile places such as Alaska and the Arctic wildlife refuge, which becomes a serious issue in the long run. He proposes to take carbon dioxide, one of the most serious green house gases, off the Clean Air Act. Romney also plans to build the Keystone Pipeline as a way to transport oil from Canada to Texas, as soon as becomes president. Although economically beneficial, this pipeline will contribute to a faster depletion of fossil fuels and have external costs to organisms that surround it. In conclusion, Romney’s future actions towards the environment will significantly damage our already delicate environment. This year has been a record breaking year in which July was recorded as the hottest month of the year and the Arctic sea ice has melted to a record low during the summer.    

"Obama and Romney on Energy, Environmental Issues." Fox News. FOX News Network, 17 Apr. 2012. Web. 05 Sept. 2012. 

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